Concussion Management involves a thorough post-injury evaluation and personalized treatment plan that is designed to address and manage your condition on an ongoing basis. A concussion diagnosis from a family or ER physician is required prior to coming in.
If You’ve Sustained A Concussion
If you think you have sustained a concussion, we recommend that you consult a Medical Physician, whether a Family GP or a Sports Physician, as early as possible to obtain a medical evaluation. Most sports-related concussions do not require emergency care. That being said, it’s important that you remain under close observation over the first few hours following your injury. We don’t recommend that you’re left alone, drive, or operate heavy machinery.
When To Go To The Hospital
You may require emergency care if your mental state starts to decline. Some indicators of a declining mental state include increased confusion and difficulty recognizing people or places. Other symptoms requiring immediate medical attention include worsening headache, worsening nausea or vomiting, and/or excessive drowsiness or lethargy.
If you suspect you’ve sustained a concussion, we recommend that you book an initial assessment with us as soon as possible. Even if you have not had a baseline assessment with us prior to your concussion, we are still able to assess your injury and provide you with a management strategy to help you recover.
During a Concussion Management Assessment, one of our qualified and experienced team members will perform a thorough post-injury evaluation that outlines a complete picture of your injury, as well as its impact on your health. This process includes a detailed interview in order to obtain information on:
- How the injury occurred
- How you felt immediately afterwards
- How you are feeling currently
- History of previous concussions
- Current and past medical conditions
- Previous trauma/injury
- Medications
During the physical examination portion of your assessment, one of our qualified and experienced team members will let you know how severe your injury is, as well as specific impairments that may need to be addressed as part of your ongoing concussion management strategy. These testing procedures may not all be completed on the first visit. This portion of testing can include a combination of:
- Computerized neurocognitive testing
- Balance testing
- Strength and coordination testing
- Screening of visual-motor skills
- Vestibular (or equilibrium) testing
- Gait assessment
- Generalized neurological screen
- Orthopedic assessment of secondary injuries (e.g. neck, shoulders)
Management Strategies
Concussions, like other sports injuries, need to be properly managed and rehabilitated with the help of a qualified team of healthcare professionals. While physical and cognitive rest is an important part of concussion care, complementary treatments will also help in the management and recovery process.
At Movement Health, we understand that recovering from a concussion can be difficult and frustrating. We understand that each athlete is affected differently and, as such, requires personalized care. This is why our concussion management strategies are used to limit impairment and speed up recovery time. Depending on your needs, these strategies may include any one or a combination of the following:
- Education around(about?) the injury
- Individualized strategies for rest and recovery
- Specific recommendations around employment/academic demands
- Manual therapy for associated complaints (neck pain, whiplash, etc.)
- Visual-motor and vestibular rehabilitation for dizziness, motion sensitivity, balance disorders, and visual complaints
- Physical exertion testing and exercise plans for return to active lifestyle
If you’re an athlete and/or participate in sports, we recommend that a step-wise process of physical exertion testing be completed once you’re free of symptoms. Similar to weight training, recovering from a concussion should not go from 0% to 100% exertion in a short time frame. At Movement Health, we believe that physical exertion testing is important not only for physical reconditioning, but also to guard against symptom relapse and to help prevent premature return-to-sport.
Concussion management is not covered by OHIP. is not covered by OHIP. Please consult your private insurance policy to see if it is covered by your extended healthcare benefits.
Not sure what treatment option is right for you?
Call us at 519.567.2888 or email us at info@movementhealth.ca to learn how Movement Health can help you!